We get to revisit the book of Esther today! Twice in one year, but totally different, too. Remember when I reviewed Hadassah: Queen Esther of Persia over the summer? I explained then that I had the unique privilege of doing both a sermon series at church And preview a book of Esther Bible study for teen girls just before reading that fun novel? Well, this is it! I am so happy to introduce you to Aminata and the first Bible study in the Girls of Excellence series. Royal: Life Lessons from the Book of Esther Bible Study for Teen Girl … Read More
Don’t Blame the Mud: Best Books About Salvation for Kids
There’s nothing more important (or intimidating, it seems like) than trying to figure out how to explain salvation to a child. Where do you start? What do you say? And if you’ve heard how critical the 4-14 window is, the pressure is on! One thing about salvation for kids (or adults), if they don’t understand what sin is (and its forever consequences), why would they want salvation? And there’s a difference between head knowledge and heart knowledge for sure! We can know something with our heads, and not accept it into our hearts. I have a couple of books to … Read More
How to Teach The Real Easter Story For Kids: 10 Best Easter Story Books
The Real Easter Story is so special. I don’t think we truly grasp just how privileged we are, to have such free access to forgiveness and love. And if we as adults struggle with wrapping our minds around it, then we need to think about our kids. The meaning of Easter for kids can be overwhelming. But, between the ages of 4-14, they are far more likely to understand and accept the truth, and run with it their whole lives, than if we wait until “they’re old enough to understand” or some such sentiment. That is exactly why I love … Read More
How to Set Christian Goals: Understanding God’s Grace is Key
Okay, so this is a little hard to write. I’ve been ‘in church’ since well before I was born. But in over 30 years, I was still childlike in understanding God’s grace and favor. I’ve had the Sunday School answer, a simple, childish acceptance, which is great, but we’re called to a combination of childlike faith and spiritual maturity. (Matthew 18:2-4, Ephesians 4:11-16, Hebrews 6) I didn’t know what I didn’t know. But now I’m excited. Every time I do learn the Biblical or historical meaning of a word, I find my Bible reading time so much richer. It’s something … Read More
13 Awesome Christian Kids Shows Worth Watching As a Family
Have you been looking for clean, faith-filled Christian Kids shows for your little ones? Christian shows for kids that they can watch, and learn from, both basic letters/numbers kind of things, and healthy interaction with family and friends and neighbors? I want to show you some of my favorite Christian cartoons, that I actually enjoy watching with my kids. They are full of fun, imagination, moral lessons, and faith-building activity. And the occasional jokes that go over the kids’ heads, are still clean which I Love! (It drives me BONKERS when that’s not the case) Christian Kids Shows With Family … Read More
Bible Characters and Their Stories: 7 Reasons We Need to Know Them
Today, let’s welcome Katrina D Hamel, as she introduces us to some amazing Bible Characters and their stories. Then, we’ll get started on her book, As the Stars, for our first book club read! Chances are, if you’re here on Aryn’s site, you’re a Christian fiction lover. If we were sitting over coffee right now, we’d have so much to chat about! That’s one of the best things about books—we can share adventures and experiences even if we can’t meet face-to-face. On top of this, we travel the same pages yet each reader takes away something unique. I think this … Read More
A Great Bedtime Bible Stories Book: God’s Words to Dream On
Bedtime is an EVENT around here. Snack, Teeth, Books, One more drink of water… I’m always on the lookout for another great bedtime Bible stories book to read with the boys. So when Celebrate Lit offered a couple on tour, I signed up! Why I Like This Bedtime Bible Stories Book The illustrations are beautiful, the stories short enough to keep kids focused, and each story has a blessing, a prayer, and a scripture. The verse may or may not come directly from the story, but it applies well, reminding us that God’s word confirms itself. I really like that … Read More
What Makes a True Friend? Visit the Land of Twilight and See
Middle school is a tough age. (And probably every age group after that, too…) When you’re going through all of that, you really need a friend. But what makes a true friend? How would you describe a true friend in 10 words or less? And then, the hardest question. Do you show any of the qualities of a true friend yourself? Journey to Twilight with 6th Graders Lorna and Sam to find out more!
Meet the New NIV Beautiful Word Coloring Bible for Girls
Today we get to explore the new NIV Beautiful Word Coloring Bible for Girls! I don’t believe my idea of a “perfect Bible” exists. If it had all of my favorite features, it would be WAY too big and heavy for everyday use. Things like maps and definitions, cross-references and mid text explanations and footnotes, wide margins, color-coded, places to draw and take notes, etc. which is why I’m okay with having several Bibles, and taking advantage of Bible apps. I’ve been brave enough to write in my Bible for about 20 years now, but I haven’t had one actually … Read More
39 Best Book Games To Make Your Next Party Fun!
Welcome, fellow fun-loving bookworms! I have some Fantastic Book Games to share with you today!! Some are classic bookshelf games, and then there’s the wonder of bookworm games and word games to play with friends and family! These games keep us enjoying words, while engaging and playing with our friends and family, so I try to keep several of these available at all times. Pretty Book Games For a Nice Bookshelf I got the idea for this collection from visiting my brother. He has a shelf of cool classic games, but they look like Really Nice Books on his orderly … Read More