Welcome to the latest Celebrate Lit Tour! This epic fantasy will take you on a journey of faith and awakening alongside some incredible animals who remember there’s more to life than their personal comfort and safety. There are times, such as when the boy, Miracle, shares his story, that you’ll probably cry. Then again, there’s other times when you’ll either roll your eyes or have to laugh at how fitting certain observations and comments are. About the Book Book: The Trail to the Lonely Tree (Book 1 of the Jaguar Oracle Series) Author: Kurt Mähler Genre: Christian Magical Realism Fantasy Release date: September 30, … Read More
100+ Christian Middle Grade Books You’ll Love
Today let’s talk about how to determine the best middle grade books of all time. (and yes, I plan on tackling a quality high school reading list soon, too) The Best Middle Grade Books of All Time I have been reading for a long time. Some stories are awesome, and some are not. Today, I am sharing the ones that I believe qualified to be the best middle grade books of all time. Not all are strictly Christian, but none of them are disrespectful in any way. Most actually make perfect family read-aloud materials, for 1st grade up, even if … Read More
Top 10 Best Christian Allegory Books For Your Next Adventure
Before we really dig into the best Christian allegory books, lets set a foundation of why they’re worth reading. Because their power is impressive. They tend to capture the imagination and take you along for the ride. So we want to know where we’re going is where we want to be, right? Then we can cover the best books in this genre for kids, teens, and adults. I have some really fun ones for all ages, and I can’t wait to share them with you!! Why The Use of Biblical Allegory Should Affect our Book Choices? Biblical allegories are very … Read More
17 Best Christian Fantasy Books to Enjoy Right Now
Fantasy, by definition, is imagining something impossible, or improbable. Christians, by definition, are followers, disciples, of Jesus Christ. A very real, possible and amazing Savior. At first glance, these two don’t really have much in common, do they? But we’re here discussing the intersection of these two topics anyway. So what are Christian Fantasy Books, and why should you read them? Why Read Christian Fantasy Books? And why on earth would a disciple of Jesus spend time reading them? Very good questions. The ability of good Christian fantasy authors to draw imaginary impossibilities that beautifully reflect Biblical truths is fantastic. … Read More
Light of Eidon
Welcome to an epic fantasy that will immerse you into the adventure of a lifetime. About the Book Book: The Light of Eidon Author: Karen Hancock Genre: Fantasy (reprint) Release Date: July 11, 2023 Special Hardcover Edition of a Classic Christian Fantasy Abramm has dedicated the last eight years of his life to becoming worthy to touch and tend the Sacred Flames of Eidon, and he expects to be blessed for his devotion and sacrifice. But on the eve of taking the vows that will irrevocably separate him from the life he was born to—as Abramm Kalladorne, fifth son of the king of Kiriath—he … Read More
Could There Be Good Dragons in the Bible?
Do you like Dragons? I do. The good ones, anyway. If you give them half a chance, they can show you some of the best characteristics, the ones that inspire you to live as Jesus wants you to. And the bad dragons, well, they show you what the consequences are for bad choices, and what you REALLY don’t want to look like. But, are there any Good dragons in the Bible? I know the dragons in the Bible, in Revelation at least, are NOT good. So Let’s take a quick look through a few ‘dragons in the Bible’ verses and see what … Read More
Skyworld: Best Christian Steampunk Books
Today, we enter a whole new world. Some of the dangers are far too familiar. But some are very unique and creative. As much as I enjoyed being a guest to Skyworld, I’m not sure I would want to live there. I’ll admit that I didn’t know what ‘steampunk’ was until this book. But it’s pretty cool. Victorian culture, steam-powered advanced technology, and a fascination with science. And I must say, this author hit the ball out of the park with her Christian Steampunk books! Why Read Christian Steampunk Books? Christian Steampunk books explore a unique ‘what if’ that really … Read More
21+ Best Christian Fiction Books To Read Now
What is the incentive to read Christian books over the latest bestseller in the general market? Because there are tons of well-written books out there, and even more that are less well done. But to niche down specifically to Christian fiction, there has to be a good reason. And for the record, I put a number in the headline, but there are way more than 21 recommendations in this post. If you follow the genre links towards the middle, you’ll find hundreds of options, for people of all ages! What Makes the Best Christian Fiction Books? We’ve already talked about the pros and cons of … Read More
Top 8 Best Christian Time Travel Series For Exciting Adventures
Today’s topic, Christian Time Travel Series! I love books about time travel, especially when they have Christian values and messages woven throughout the story. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to find yourself in another time entirely? This has always fascinated me. (And NOT just because Captain Kirk and Spock made a habit of it… or because I watched “Seven Days” a bit too often) Would you be able to maintain your faith? Would you be able to embrace the challenge of living in another time, and share Jesus Christ with those around you? Or maybe even … Read More
#1 New Wizard of Oz Allegory: No Space Like Home
I’ve encountered more than one Wizard of Oz allegory in my life, and more than one of them has been very Sci-fi in nature. I especially enjoyed the movie on the Sci-fi network a few years (decades) back. I have to say, though, that today’s book, No Space Like Home is by far the best. This book takes on a Wizard of Oz Allegory with both futuristic/spacetravel fun, and the Good Shepherd into the bargain. It’s like a perfect collection of my favorite elements! Were you a fan of the Wizard of Oz movie growing up? I’m sure the splash … Read More
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