If you are like most parents, you want to give your kids the best you possibly can. And Tenacity is a life skill you definitely want them to acquire. The author of today’s book tour entry walks us through Psalm 139, coaching us on tenacity, both for ourselves and how to draw kids into the learning as well. It’s clear and practical, which is my kind of parenting book! Don’t forget the giveaway at the bottom. This one’s particularly sweet! About the Book Book: Trekking Toward Tenacity: Your Family’s Roadmap to Stronger Mental Health Author: Chris Morris Genre: Parenting / Christian Living / … Read More
Pruning in the Bible: 1 Important but Challenging Topic
Have you ever wondered about those verses on pruning in the Bible? I have. I’ve heard messages explaining it, trying to help us understand. What does prune mean in the Bible? They make me curious. Because I have not spent any time in a vineyard, the little I know is only through reading about it. According to several dictionaries, the answer is to: Sounds painful. I mean who really wants to be cut and trimmed? But the benefits sound very good! Shaping and smoothing, cleansing and purification are all good things! It seems that pruning is necessary for the … Read More
New Ephesians Bible Study For the Real World
I’ve been looking forward to this for months, and it was worth the wait. This Bible study gets you learning and thinking. There’s not a lot of ‘in book’ reading, but plenty of Bible reading and historical research to keep you learning and growing. About the Book Book: Ephesians (Real World Bible Study) Author: Joy Suzanne Hunt Genre: Bible Study Guide Release Date: December 15, 2023 God’s Word + YOUR Real Life If you’ve ever had trouble building a Bible study habit or understanding God’s Word for yourself, you’re not alone. But God’s Word was actually written about real life, for real life! It’s meant … Read More
12 Best Books For Lent That Will Challenge You
What is Lent? As a Southern Baptist from before I was born, I didn’t really get it. I mean, why do we celebrate it? Isn’t Lent season something the Catholic church does? But my current church home isn’t Baptist. And a very dear friend is a Methodist. So I’ve had more exposure to this in recent years. I’m finding that these denominational borders that have been placed on the Christian life often cause more trouble than they prevent! And the more I’ve pressed into learning new things, the more I value many aspects of the Lent season. And of course, … Read More
How To Do Devotions: Understanding the Meaning of Devotion Changes Everything
Sometimes the idea of there being a right and wrong way how to do devotions can be so intimidating! But it doesn’t have to be. I think we’ve both overcomplicated the concept and also reduced it so it became a 5-15 minute checkbox on our to-do list. But the meaning of devotion is so much richer and more amazing than that. After all, we’ve been invited to draw near, to be still, and rest in Him. What is the Meaning of Devotion? I’m glad you asked 😉 I want to start with this screenshot from Thesaurus .com. That doesn’t really … Read More
Awesome Devotional About Humility in the Bible and Today
Hey, I’m glad you’re here! Today I want to share an awesome devotional on humility in the Bible and today. It’s a combination of contemporary Christian fiction and a devotional inspired by First Corinthians 13. Because the essence of the ‘love chapter’ really is humility, isn’t it? The power of humility is in its putting others first, and trusting God with the outcome. When you read the Bible, you get to see some of the most average people doing remarkable things. Think about Nehemiah. As cupbearer, what possible expertise, or responsibility, did he have for rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem? … Read More
40+ Short Inspirational Devotions You’ll Love
Have you ever read any devotionals that took just a few minutes, but then they echoed in your head and heart for days (or longer)? Just a small nugget of God’s truth wrapped in a powerful illustration and paired with the right verse at the right time? Me too. And it’s an awesome feeling. Short inspirational devotions are great for sparking meditation and study. They’re also great at being a touchstone to recenter your day. I want to share some great options with you, some of my favorites and some that have made me curious. Anything that enhances my daily … Read More
Managing Expectations in Relationships: 13 Great Christian Books About Relationships
My small group did a study on the book The Bait of Satan by John Bevere a couple of years ago. It went a long way towards helping me in managing my expectations in relationships with others. The subtitle of the book is “Living Free from the Deadly Trap of Offense.” When you think about it, we tend to get offended most when our expectations aren’t lived up to. We take it as a personal affront. If your baby pulled your hair or throws food, you do not take offense. You don’t expect them to behave any other way, they … Read More
Christian Moms: 7 Best Books to Read When Pregnant
Today, let’s talk about pregnancy as a Christian Mom. There are some pretty amazing Christian pregnancy books out there, both for moms and kids! I want to encourage you with some of the best books to read when pregnant, before you reach that point of overwhelm, if at all possible. If you can’t quite manage that, then read them anyways! Giving birth to a tiny human, made in God’s Image-Such a privilege, whichever way it happens! Mine were both c-sections. The first six weeks postpartum (or as my mom says, “Post Part’em!) are beautiful but far from easy! You are completely … Read More
Top 10 Faith and Fitness Devotionals and Programs Full of Grace For You
If you’re anything like me, being active with faith and fitness can be a struggle. We get busy with all the ‘urgent responsibilities’ of life, and as Mark Batterson would say, become irresponsibly responsible, with an improper balance of our responsibilities. You know, if we don’t wash the laundry, shop, and make dinner, who will? But today, let’s challenge the assumption that our faith and fitness are lower priorities, shall we? Let’s see just how awesome our God is, and find a fitness devotional that is inspired by Grace, and Christian fitness programs that are more than a bunch of … Read More