40+ Quality Christian Children’s Books For The Best Storytime

ArynChildren's Bookshelf6 Comments

Awesome Christian Books for Kids who love storytime

Today we have a collection of awesome Christian books for children, that will make storytime that much more meaningful.

Growing the faith of a child in your care is such a privilege. I truly hope you are considering the eternity of the kids around you, and spending time nurturing and growing that faith, one Christian book at a time!

Roman’s 10:13-15, 17…

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

One way we can follow these scriptures’ instructions is by using Christian children’s books during story time. In case you haven’t already figured this out, stories are my favorite way to learn. (Tips for reading with kids)

I’ve put together a list of Christian picture books and a few other resources to help you with growing your kids faith.

Along the lines of last week’s post full of fun devotionals for women, many of these stories could serve as fun devotionals for kids.

Please note that this post contains affiliate links for your convenience. If you make a purchase through one of the links, I may make a small commission. I only recommend books and resources that I’ve enjoyed personally, or believe that you would like. You can read my full disclosure here. You will also find information on Scripture translations there.

Lay a solid foundation with these Christian books for kids

Best Christian Books for Children that lay a Solid Foundation

First of all, here are a few that I found that cover some basicsof theology in a straightforward way, making things a little easier for Christian parents. Most of them were gifts from grandparents, which is an awesome spiritual legacy!

My ABC of God Loves Me is a basic alphabet of the different ways God loves us. Each letter is a different characteristic of God (infinite, rock, victorious…) and the rhythm of the story is very nice. 

A perfect board book for reading with babies or toddlers in length, and preschoolers will start asking questions, which is a great part of growing a child’s faith, when they get involved! Probably not a good “first” reader, but I would think that it would be good soon after that. The illustrations are sort of cross-stitch in look, which is cool!

Big Thoughts for Little People is another alphabet book, but a little bit more in-depth than the one above. There are a short rhyme and a beautiful picture on every page, and questions to start a conversation. We usually read about 3-4 pages in a sitting. Any more than that at 4-5 is too much to absorb. It’s all very simply explained, perfect for kids. I get reminded of things and relearn lessons myself when we read this Christian kids book!

The Acrostic of God is a memorable read, full of simple theology. Each page has a beautiful illustration, a short, rhyming paragraph about the attribute or characteristic of God, and a corresponding verse or two. This book isn’t quite what I was expecting, for a picture book. I have read a number of faith-based ABC stories, but this one deals with really complex concepts, that you don’t really expect kids to even be aware of, and aren’t always the ‘standard ones’ you’d expect. But I think that’s okay, because they can handle more than we give them credit for. And teaching them at least the concepts early means there is a good foundation to build on as they grow up.

I believe this one will appeal especially to families who are following a classical educational style. Memorizing concepts and facts to build on for the future.

Personally, my favorite page is O, for the omni-statements, simply defined, and practically applied, possibly better than I have ever heard.

I received a digital copy from Read with Audra, and chose to review it here.

God Made All of Me is one of those really helpful ways to teach our children, especially younger children. It’s a gentle way to begin some important conversations. Talking about body safety in a way that shows the Good that God made, and stops shame in its tracks, giving kids a first line of defense hopefully before they need it. We can’t avoid the topic and hide our heads, hoping we won’t face “those issues” but instead, equipping our kids to be safe, know their worth, and how to ask for help.

The Door of Salvation by Ken Ham, Book Cover: The Arc, with animals and people around it.

The Door of Salvation is a Ken Ham original, so it’s a pretty awesome Christian kids book! Beautiful illustrations, sturdy construction, rhyming verse. It teaches the parallel between the ONE DOOR on the Ark, with Jesus being the ONE DOOR to Heaven, and invites you to enter.

Pups of the Spirit is a must if you love Dogs! This is a look at the fruit of the Spirit as illustrated by the different characteristics of the different dog breeds. These puppies are very cute, and they are very good at showing love and joy, and kindness, and… it’s a really fun message of God’s love.

An Extraordinary Teacher: A Bible Story about Priscilla for Courageous Girls is a fun, imaginative story of Priscilla’s life, and how she loved to learn. Which sets the stage for her and Aquila to become teachers in the church. And the power of a mother’s words, when she notices her child’s passion and gifting and encourages that, pointing to God’s plan for that child. A great thing for every parent to remember.

Small Gifts in God’s Hands is a bit of Biblical fiction for kids. It is the story of the boy who gave his lunch to feed the 5,000. This is one of those great books that will leave a lasting impression. A boy who wants to do something big, something for Jesus. But he’s poor, and doesn’t have anything ‘big enough to give’ though his mother assures him that God can do big things with the smallest gifts.

Other true to Scripture Biblical fiction can be found here (Naaman’s servant) and here (Time travel to Bible times). These are a great way to bring the Word of God to life.

Or maybe you’re looking beyond the bookshelf, and are interested in some Solid but fun Christian cartoons?

Faith is Heart Work: Christian books for children

Christian Kids Books Showing Faith is Heart Work

The Marvelous Mustard Seed is a new Christian Kids book that I received from NetGalley. Follow a mustard seed (obviously) on its journey from nearly invisible to massive, then the relationship between the Kingdom of God and a Mustard seed is shared very nicely. The idea of patience rewarded and slow but significant growth are key. I liked the illustrations, and the tips for parents and teachers in the back. *Got this one from NetGalley.

The Prayer of Jabez for Young Hearts is another rhyming story that teaches faith. If you are not familiar with the verses in 1st Chronicles 4, or Bruce Wilkinson’s Prayer of Jabez study, I would suggest that you look them up now. While I do not particularly care for the illustrations in this book, the rhyme and message more than make up for what the pictures lack.

A Royal Mission is part fairytale, part preparation for the real world. The author sent me a copy to review, and I gladly share my thoughts with you here on this great read for girls of all ages:

This book will challenge you as the parent, and encourage kids to see beyond themselves. The mission to reach the lost is portrayed beautifully while acknowledging just how hard it is to live in the world. There’s reassurance that Jesus is with us, even when we don’t feel him, and we can depend on Him, and His Word.

The illustrations are gorgeous, too! I loved the personalization factor, because instead of naming the girl in the story, there’s a blank for you to put your daughter’s name (or your own!!). Whether you write it in, or keep it blank because you’ll read it to more than one girl, it’s amazing.

Don’t Forget to Remember by Ellie Holcomb is a beautiful rhyming story, that shows many ways God uses creation to remind us of his love and faithfulness. This is a great way to help introduce how he’s always near. My little guy did not want to read it, but I started reading it anyway, and before I’d gotten to page 3, he was in my lap and asking questions. I love how engaging and encouraging it is, both for young ones, and for me personally. Definitely wins high marks on the Christian family book list!

Devotionals: Christian books for kids

Devotional Christian Books for Kids

Here are some pretty awesome devotional Christian books for children and families. The Boys and Girls ones may have some very specifically boy/girl stuff, but a lot of them seemed fine for mixed company.

And if you’re looking for some tips on getting more consistent with kids devotionals, I’ve got you.

 Love Does for Kids has 46 chapters of love in action. Each story, from Bob’s childhood, wedding, parenting, etc. Is an example of love. Whether it is patience or kindness or “I’ve got your back” moments this Christian kids book had me laughing, crying, and thinking.

I think my favorite was the extravagant gift that Richard chose to give to the kindergarten class at his school. His focus wasn’t on his limitations (knowledge, finances, time…) but on what would be the most awesome way to show them how important and special they are. I would suggest a chapter per week as a family is a great way for growing kids faith. Again the illustrations are beautiful. *Got this from NetGalley.

The Animal Caravan is a wonderful Christian childrens book series of devotional storybook. These animals go on an adventure, and stop to read Bible stories along the way. They have the kind of questions most kids have, and interrupt the story to ask, just like kids do. The answers cover practical, silly, and Biblical.

We’ve been reading them for 5 years, and I got my 10 year old a new one for Christmas. He was as excited about it as he was his new Lego set and Dude Perfect book, which says a lot!

The Animal Caravan Series, fun for kids of all ages:

Devotional Christian Books for Boys and Girls

This collection of devotional Christian books for girls and boys are helpful for starting conversations, and recentering kids focus on what really matters. Perfect for when life gets crazy.

Goodnight Warrior is a collection of bible based bedtime stories, devotions, and prayers for God’s mighty warriors. From Creation to the fruit of the Spirit. We have enjoyed this devotional as it’s great for 4-8-year-olds. A short Bible passage, a devotional, and either a prayer, a promise, or praise based on what we read. It’s a great way to equip younger boys to rely on God. Sheila Walsh also has a bedtime devotional for God’s Little Princesses.

Daily Devotions for Brave Boys: 365 Short, simple, but powerful devotions. A verse, a few paragraphs, and a brief prayer. It takes less than 2 minutes to read each day’s devotion, making it great for breakfast or bedtime, or anytime. I read a few of the devotions from my NetGalley review copy, and am really liking it. It’s designed for boys ages 8-12, so it’s not quite applicable yet for my oldest, but I really look forward to diving in with him in a couple of years!

Daily Devotions for Courageous Girls: A match in format to the Brave Boys devotional above, this one’s 365 devotions especially for girls ages 8-12. They cover real, everyday situations and deep topics like self-control in very specific circumstances. Practical, short, and very good. I accepted this NetGalley review copy to see if I would buy hard copies for my nieces, and I definitely would!

A to Z Devotions for Brave Boys is another short read, but packed with good things! Character traits for each letter of the alphabet are discussed, followed by a challenge of how can you do that, and a verse. I like what they did with Q. Quiet and boys don’t seem to go together. But they don’t expect boys to be always quiet. Just find times to be quiet before the Lord. And Young, for Y? But it’s a young attitude that’s not hardened into ‘my way’ but full of energy and willingness to serve God. Thank you Netgalley for providing a review copy!

Big Truths for Little Kids (Teaching Your Children to Live for God) is a fantastic 36-day Catechism storybook. The Catechism isn’t just for those in liturgical churches. We can all benefit from the simple Q/A format of foundational truth. The stories are very relatable, and with the exception of the baptism chapter which leaned into baby baptism, I found this book to be great. My son and I enjoyed reading this, and just started it again for the second time, about a year later.

You might also enjoy these mom devotionals, I know I did!

HelloBible has a Subscription box for kids ages 3-10, that includes an Arch Book Bible Story, with fun crafts and activities that go along with the story and a parent guide with teaching suggestions. Looks really neat, I think!

Kids Prayer Books: Christian Books for children

Christian Children’s Books that Focus on Prayer

Prayer can be such a wonderful thing, and yet, it’s often an intimidating subject. Prayer is critical for growing anyone’s faith, and kids can learn much earlier than we think. Consider this post here. It’s a necessary part of growing the faith of a child or adult. So here are some pretty amazing children’s books on prayer:

Praying the Prayers of the Bible for Kids is a fantastic collection of scriptural prayers that flow well and apply to the everyday life of most people, especially for kids. With categories like Praise and Gratitude, Friendship, and Daily Needs…

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this, and I believe it teaches prayer as a natural outpouring throughout your day. a practical and wonderful method of growing a child’s faith. I received a very advanced digital copy from NetGalley, which did not include illustrations, though the descriptions of them sounded very good. 

Crayons, how to pray the scriptures for your Children

Amy Parker has a great Christian book series for kids, full of prayer and covering seasons, holidays, and family life. They are rhyming and beautifully illustrated. I have them just about memorized after only a few readings. These books mostly center on gratitude which is a critical part of growing the faith of a child!

  • A Pumpkin Prayer is a beautiful fall prayer, thankful for all that makes fall unique and fun.
  • An I Love You Prayer is Valentine-like, focused on friendship and spring.
  • Thank You God, For Mommy is fun! A mother and baby panda go through their day, and the little one is listing all of the things that show how much his mother loves him and how grateful he is (gender not specifically stated, I say him because I have sons)
  • I don’t have them yet, but there is also Thank You God for Daddy, for Grandma, and GrandpaHow Far is Faith and a few others that are now on my wishlist!

Try these books for teaching your kids about heaven, or helping them through the loss of a loved one!

Imagination and Faith: Christian children's books

Christian Kids Books Packed with Imagination

I Can Only Imagine is another amazing book that I recently received from NetGalley (my new favorite book source!!). This book is beautiful! There are parts that are direct quotes from the song by the same name, and the rest is along the lines of will there be pancakes for breakfast when I’m hungry, and what will we play. Would Jesus play and ride bikes? This Christian Kids book is so much fun and gets everyone thinking about how it will be in heaven. It definitely takes a child’s faith to imagine and believe!

Noah’s Invisible Adventures is so cool!! I can’t say enough good things about it. It’s a mostly true story about a blind boy who has all kinds of imaginary adventures, then discovers the adventure of living with Jesus. It gives the gospel message and challenges the reader to join him. As far aswholesome stories go, I consider this one a must-read!!

I Am Awesome is, well, Awesome! The story is well-written, fun, and teaches a beautiful message that we too often forget. It’s a timely message for both parents and children. Just because the Inventor (God) made us, we’re awesome! All of us. God made everything, and it is good. But we were made in his image, and that makes us Awesome! An unforgettably powerful children’s story.

The illustrations are cute, the bots are fun, the story flows well, and all in all, this is an unforgettable story that you really want to add to your bookshelf! * I got a digital review copy of this one from BookSirens, and now I want to buy my own hardcopy!

God Gave Us is a fantastic series of books to read aloud that will help you explain Biblical truths and grow together. A family of polar bears is featured in this series. A little cub asks questions about Christmas, and the differences in people (well, bears and other animals) and heaven, (sleepfamilyyounger siblingsgratitude even when something fun is over!!…just to name a few).

All told, Lisa does an amazing job providing accurate and helpful answers to kids questions that helps us teach Christian values to our kids. And I think these books are designed to help you in growing kids faith! (you can read about some of Lisa’s other books for teens and young adults here)

And don’t miss these two awesome Christian picture books about color.

The Other Brother is a contemporary cowboy retelling of the parable of the prodigal son/patient father/hardworking son. This book nails the spirit of the parable in a fun and relatable way.

Some other great Christian books for kids age 12+ that are filled with imagination and are excellent for growing everyone’s faith can be found here and here.

I just got these next two from the author, and wow!

Dream Big, My Precious One: With a nice rhyming pattern and beautiful illustrations, this one is a fun look at many of the things kids might dream of or look forward to, both for fun and for careers. The second half of the book explains that the dreams come from God, and that effort is required to reach them. That falling short is normal, and to keep trying, because whatever it is, it’s not just for you, since most things affect others.
Wonderful truths for kids, wrapped up in a fun story!

You’re More Than a Sprout is awesome. Showing the life cycle of ups and downs, and how we’re not in control of our circumstances, but the Master is always at work, and our contributions can affect many others. I’d love to be like the moon, and consistently reflect the Son’s light, but I’m often like the seed and get buried in my circumstances.

This is an excellent addition to your bookshelf. Plus, after insisting on reading it twice, my 7YO decided we should spend half an hour on youtube watching videos about bamboo, and learned a ton of information because the book made him curious. I’d say that’s a win!

Animals with Faith: Christian Kids books

Books Starring Animals-Bible Stories

Sometimes animals can make faith more relatable. In these comical yet serious stories, you will meet average animals who have opportunities to fail and succeed, stand firm and be talked into things.

The Donkey of Tarsus and His Tales About The Apostle Paul is a lot of fun. Imagine the book of Acts from the donkey’s perspective. This story is Biblically accurate to the point of talking about Paul being stoned and left for dead. Some may be bothered by that, but my extremely sensitive six-year-old did fine with this Christian kids book, and even started asking questions about what really happened. If your older kids are ready for deeper stories from the Bible, then I’d definitely recommend this one!

A library of printables for Avid Christian readers

Stories Starring Animals-Faith and Character

In search of the Great White Tiger by Sheila Walsh is book one of an epic adventure! You have a carousel of average animals. They are by turns harassed by ‘Reptillion’ (devil) who plants traps and tricks, encouraged and helped along by some interesting characters (angels) and sent messages from the Great White Tiger (God).

The allegories in this series are suitable for ages 4 +. It’s not too scary, even with Reptillion.

The Adventures and Life Lessons of Wolfy is one of the best tools to teach the salvation message. Showing the importance of acting immediately, putting others before yourself, and the wonder of friendship. This story has adventure and excitement, and a father’s love. (It also has a nasty snake, FYI)

Owlegories is a new series of Christina kids books and shows. These young owls are attending TheOWLogy school and learning all kinds of things that build their understanding of God and faith in Him. And they’re hysterical! My husband will even sit and watch them. You can read more about the DVD and Videos here. Books include:

If you like Max Lucado’s work, you should check out this post about 5 lessons I’ve learned while reading with my boys. Mostly the specific lessons I learned (or refreshed) were from Hermie the Caterpillar. Getting the most out of storytime by learning along with the kids is awesome!

Shopping for Awesome Christian Books for Childen

More Christian Kids Books and Benefits

The Benefits of Reading to your child are Endless!!! So go ahead and get growing, have fun, and add storytime to your daily routine!

If you are looking for a new Storybook Bible, that deals rightly with scripture and is still fun and engaging, I have a list of wonderful options for growing faith and growing children.

Christmas is another fantastic opportunity for reading and building kids faith. These are the top Christmas children’s books I’ve found so far. Read them all of December, or on the 25th of each month if you want to (I do).

Your Turn. What are the Best Christian Children’s Books?

Now it’s your turn! What are your favorites? Did you discover something new here? Did I miss one that you would consider the best Christian kids book?

Tell me, if you would, and share this post with your Christian book loving friends!

Until Next Time, Love God, Love Books, Shine The Light!!

6 Comments on “40+ Quality Christian Children’s Books For The Best Storytime”

    1. Isn’t it? I still read with my mom, though not as often as when I lived at home… The best part is that we can work on our own AND our kids faith at the same time! Growing together!

  1. THis is an awesome list! Have you considered making printables with these lists so we can print and have it handy when we go to a book store or even to check books off when we have read them?

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