Premeditated Serendipity is today’s treat: an unforgettable read that handles forgiveness and second chances. And Wayne’s explanation of Daisies is awesome!
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About the Book
Title: Premeditated Serendipity
Author: Chautona
Genre: Christian romance
Release date: November 16, 2017
…make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands, just as we commanded you. ~ I Thessalonians 4:11
That’s all Reid wanted to do–just serve the Lord for a year before concerning himself with anything else. Yeah, the idea came from an odd “prophesy” one of the watchmen of Fairbury’s new Prayer Room spoke over him. Sure, he didn’t know if such “prophecies” were even Biblical–arguments on that score abounded. But since the words she spoke were pure Scripture, and since yielding to them couldn’t be wrong, he thought, “Why not?”
Was it always easy? No. People made judgments about him that weren’t accurate. Shy? Nope. Stuck up? Not hardly. Committed to a celibate life?
Good news, girls–just for the year.
But when the local florist hears Reid’s story and sees a few things that give him a glimpse into the man’s heart, he decides on a little premeditated serendipity to move things along, unaware of the serious havoc he’s about to wreak.
Premeditated Serendipity
Take a few Bible verses, stir in a little godly interference, give a pinch of meddling, and mix well. Bake in the oven of misunderstanding until true feelings rise and come out clean.
Part of the Out of the Blue Bouquet Collection
Click here to purchase your copy of the Out of the Blue Bouquet Collection
About the Author
Author of the Amazon bestselling Aggie and Past Forward series, Chautona Havig lives and writes in an oxymoron where she uses story to connect readers with the Master Storyteller.
Guest Post from Chautona
What Important Life Lesson Do Simple Daisies Teach Us?
It all began with a barrel of daisies. There I was, writing a simple scene with a character walking up the street of my fictional town of Fairbury, and this man appeared in front of a florist’s shop—The Pettler. He handed my character a daisy, and I soon learned that he did this for everyone—handed out a free daisy to anyone who passed.
Since then, in almost any book that takes place in Fairbury, someone receives one of those daisies. So, when Amanda Tru told me about a collection featuring novellas about floral fiascoes, I knew it was time for Wayne Farrell of The Pettler to make a solid showing in a book.
I just wasn’t ready for it to be his story.
However, as I wrote about Reid and Kelsey, Wayne kept creeping in more and more. A backstory emerged. His faith bloomed. Yes, his heart has a few weeds that need to be pulled, but those weeds provided the conflict for this story.
And one thing that happened is he planted a seed in my own heart. I sat there thinking about what those daisies meant to him when the old “He loves me, he loves me not” ditty came to mind. I imagined that a florist would likely love or hate that. I mean, you don’t want people to have negative connotations with flowers, but on the other hand, people buying daisies to pluck… that’s good business.
Thinking of it in terms of Jesus changed everything, though. Suddenly, I had his story. Because, like Wayne shares with Reid in Premeditated Serendipity. When you pluck a daisy thinking of the Lord, there is no not. It’s just, “He loves me. He loves me. He loves me.” You can cross out every not. (I even have a short video on this.)
Because, as John 3:16 reminds us, “For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes on Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
He loves us. Period.
Note: for Wayne’s full story, check out Tangoed in Tinsel, part of the Under the Christmas Star set—the CrossRoads Collection 3.
Premeditated Serendipity Libraryan Review
People do this too often. They take their own agendas, wrap it in a few Bible verses and some Christianese, and the next thing you know someone’s in sin because they didn’t obey someone’s so-called prophecy.
4 Comments on “Premeditated Serendipity: Can There Possibly Be Such A Thing?”
I’m thrilled that you enjoyed Reid’s story. It touched me as I wrote it. I learned a lot from him and from Wayne himself. Wayne’s still unraveling. Hmm…
Yay! Wayne’s still unraveling means we might get more of his back story in another book!
This book sounds GOOOOD!!!
Yes, Premeditated Serendipity is unforgettable!