Deep Dive into The Story Of Hagar in the Bible

ArynFaith28 Comments

Who was Hagar in the Bible?

Who was Hagar in the Bible? How does the Hagar and Abraham dynamic and Hagar and Sarah conflict fit into the grand tapestry of God’s Word? Do you know just how special Hagar’s son truly is?

Let me invite you into the new Hagar Bible study by Shadia Hrichi. It will answer these questions and so many more.

If you like going “Behind the SEEN” you’ll love this study. Spend some time with Hagar and those around her. Together with many of those whose lives tell of a relationship with The God who Sees; It’s awesome!

Walking through the pages of scripture in this Bible study put me in a happy place. The spiritual discipline of daily time in the Bible is one I love, but sometimes it gets pushed aside in favor of doing life. I’m always grateful for the opportunity to be accountable for my time!

Please note that this post contains affiliate links for your convenience. If you make a purchase through one of the links, I may make a small commission. I only recommend books and resources that I’ve enjoyed personally, or believe that you would like. You can read my full disclosure here. You will also find information on Scripture translations there.

Who is Hagar in the Bible, Anyway?

The story of Hagar in the Bible sometimes seems a little disjointed, and ‘interrupts’ Abraham’s narrative. But Hagar and Abraham’s story intersects perfectly, as I’ve learned. And Hagar and Sarah seem to be full of vinegar. But God allowed each encounter for a purpose.

Who Was Hagar?

Who was she? This woman who was ‘Given to Sarai’ as a servant, and taken from her homeland to live with this group of nomads as a servant… Who was seen and taken care of by God Almighty…

Hagar was a woman who wasn’t treated well, but she also happens to be a woman God spoke to audibly. Twice!!! In my book, that’s a pretty awesome blessing.

In fact (spoiler alert) Hagar’s son is one of the select few God himself names!! And while much difficulty throughout history has come from the decisions Abraham and Sarah and Hagar made, That doesn’t negate the miracles involved in their story, nor the love God has for their descendants, and the desire of his heart that none should be lost, but all should come to a saving knowledge of his son.

Hagar and Abraham

After being ‘given to Sarai’ Hagar was ‘given to Abraham’ and that’s the beginning of thousands of years of difficulty. Hagar didn’t have it easy, but God was with her, and provided for her in amazing ways.

There are many lessons learned from Hagar and Sarah and Abraham, and I know I’ve only scratched the surface.

The Hagar Bible study below really opened up my understanding of just how significant everything about the story of Hagar in the Bible is. And some of the ways it speaks to us today.

About the Hagar Bible Study:

Book: Hagar Author: Shadia Hrichi

Genre: Religion / Bible Study

Release Date: October 10, 2017

Hagar Bible Study book cover

You are ”The God Who Sees Me.”

Discover a close relationship with God–no matter the pain or suffering in your life. Witness the depths of God’s compassion through the eyes of Hagar, a runaway slave who meets the living God in a desert of despair, where she gives Him the name El Roi, ”The God Who Sees Me.”

Through this seven-week study, you will find that when you surrender your life into God’s hands, your trials and triumphs serve a magnificent purpose: to draw you into the arms of the faithful God Who Sees Me.

”Deep and packed with surprising insights!” Francine Rivers

Click here to grab your copy.

Quote from the Hagar Bible study.

My thoughts on the New Hagar Bible Study “Behind the Seen”

I’m thankful for the opportunity to read this Hagar Bible study. I did not really consider all that would be in here, but the author does a good job with some very tough stuff.

As someone who has experienced a certain amount of abuse and manipulation, I think she does a remarkable job of showing truth without wallowing in the mud.

She gives credit where credit is due and does not shy away from the ugly parts.

I feel like I have a better idea of who Hagar is now, and what she experienced than ever before.

I See Myself in Some Parts of the Story of Hagar in the Bible

My eyes have been opened a bit to my personal beliefs and where they do not match what I SAY that I believe. Meaning that I am guilty of seeing circumstances and making judgments of how much (or little) I mean to God.

But God does not change. The same God who promises Hagar a legacy of descendants, is also the one who allowed her to be sent away with nothing but her son and a few supplies in the desert.

One thing that really makes me like this Hagar Bible study is how much it incorporates the whole counsel of scripture. No story in the Bible stands alone, and this one is no different. Considering the woman at the well, and Job, and many other passages give this depth and richness.

While it may seem like each lesson is long, after the first week, you don’t even notice. In fact, my husband took the kids for a couple of hours one Sunday, and I did all of week three in on sitting. I kept trying to get up and go “do something productive” with my time, but I couldn’t set my Hagar Bible study down!

My relationship with God and my awareness of my position within the Great Story has grown through this study!

I also fully intend to repeat this study of Hagar in the Bible again soon!

I did receive a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit, and choose to review it here. All thoughts are my own.

Related Reading

An Egyptian Princess, A Story of Hagar: Fiction

I just finished reading The Egyptian Princess A Story of Hagar. Placing Hagar as firstborn of Pharaoh, and weaving a backdrop of intrigue, God’s power and compassion, and brings the Bible to life, by letting us inside one very possible version of the story.

This particular story of Hagar is fantastic! I was in literal tears, throat tight, several times while reading it!

I thoroughly enjoyed the relationship between Hagar and her mother. This mom is perceptive, and compassionate, strong and not easily fooled.

And having Hagar and Sarai building a genuine friendship, and Both God and Sarai reach out to her at that early point in the narrative was so cool.

There are discussion questions in the back that make this an excellent choice for a book club, and a wonderful compliment to any study of the story of Hagar. It also mentions that there is a sequel coming!!!!

The section in the back, where the author shares some of the research that forms the foundation of the story is awesome!

I can’t wait for part 2!

Until Next Time, Love God, Love Books, Shine The Light!!

A library of printables for Avid Christian readers
Go Behind the Seen in this Hagar Bible study

28 Comments on “Deep Dive into The Story Of Hagar in the Bible”

  1. I haven’t ever spent much time dwelling on Hagar’s story. This looks very intriguing. Thanks for the review.

    1. I hadn’t either, but I was excited to get this Hagar Bible study, and explore! I’m not quite done, but I am definitely learning!

  2. Very interesting! Hagar is definitely an overlooked character in the Bible. Her side of the story is not so often commented. I am sure a lot of people can identify with Hagar in the way they are treated and how they feel. Seems like a great book!

  3. Sounds like a very great Bible study that keeps you going back for more meat! Love the story of Hagar as their are so many lessons within her story! #worthbeyondrubies linkup

    1. It is! I have been pleasantly surprised by how much I want to stop what I’m doing every time I pass where the Hagar Bible study book sits on the counter!!

  4. This is such a wise approach to take to our Bible study: “No story in the Bible stands alone, and this one is no different. Considering the woman at the well, and Job, and many other passages give this depth and richness.” Thanks for sharing about this study!

    1. It’s true. It’s far too easy to take snippets and build doctrine. Any Bible study needs to be in agreement with the immediate context and the whole story of the scriptures.

  5. This study of Hagar does sound intriguing! I’m almost done studying Bathsheba. Love the OT! The lives of these women are so different from ours, but their emotions and struggles and God’s faithfulness are completely relevant today!

    1. I was definitely curious to learn more, and I have not been disappointed! I hope you enjoy the Hagar Bible Study as well!

  6. This sounds amazing! I have always struggled with Hagar’s story. I struggled with the fact that she was made to sleep with her master, maybe against her will, then was sent away. Did God not care for her? Why was Abraham not punished? Why did Sarah see no consequence? I would honestly LOVE to read this Hagar Bible study. I’m hoping that it would answer some big questions for me.

    1. Oh boy. All excellent questions. I can’t say if all the answers are here. I was going to say because I haven’t quite finished, but then, God doesn’t promise us all of the answers.

      What I can say, though is that I have more peace now, than I did when I started this Hagar Bible study!!! And the study of the timeline did some amazing things for me!!!

  7. I would love to read this! I always felt as if Sarah treated Hagar badly. It is so hard to put ourselves in circumstances where traditions are much different, but I am sure she was not unlike many of us today.

    1. That’s very true. And there’s really no way to sugar coat any of it. I hope you get a chance to experience this Hagar Bible study, Behind the Seen!!

  8. Interesting! I personally have not heard/read much about Hagar as a character or her story, but it sounds very intriguing. Thank you for this review!

    1. You’re welcome! She may not be one of the “Top 100 Bible Stories for Kids” but has a powerful message just the same. Anyone who actually has an encounter with God has a story, and Hagar got not one but 2!

  9. First, note that I am 77 years old, home-bound due to chronic health issues, and have a very active brain that craves new knowledge.

    I have just completed a study on Hagar & SHADIA HRICHI’s book is one of 8 that I read along with a dozen online resources. Another one I highly recommend to all of you is brand new (2021). The author lives in the Middle East giving it a different focus that I felt rounded out my research well – Finding Hagar: God’s Pursuit of a Runaway by Michael F. Kuhn. The key to understanding Hagar’s son, Ishmael, is knowing what a wild donkey is. No other resource addressed this accurately. This also one of the very few male writers on Hagar.

    Currently, I am reading The Egyptian Princess, A Story of Hagar by KD Holmberg. (Book 1 in the Women of Valor series published by Mountain Brook Ink, an inspirational publisher offering fiction you can believe in.) When the author does her/his homework well, the resulting fiction story can give us new perspectives to consider. To me, it’s like brainstorming- ideas are listed then you determine each one’s validity or possibility- or a critique group. Maybe a book club? (Smile)

    1. Sounds like an amazing way to do Bible study, combining multiple books (both fiction and Bible study/nonfiction) on a topic. Thank you for sharing your findings with us, on a solid Hagar Bible study resource list.

      1. Blessings, Connie and Aryn. I’m so delighted you enjoyed my Bible study on Hagar. Truly, that blesses my heart. If you enjoy character studies, I have a new study coming out in October entitled, TAMAR: Rediscovering the God Who Redeems Me (based on the story of Tamar, Judah’s daughter-in-law). If you’re interested, you can read more details here.

        May the Lord bless you as you continue to walk with Him!

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