My kids are on a Bob the Builder kick right now, so ‘Muck to the Rescue’ is kind of stuck in my head. But the mantra that is even better, is “God to the Rescue!” That’s why I’m loving the study of the story of Legion in the Bible, that I get to share with you today.
I’ve seen a lot of God Resues here lately. Between the Hagar Bible study a couple of months ago, or the Bathsheba Battle, and coming to understand the power of God’s grace and favor to name a few ways I’ve seen God to the rescue in action.
I was excited about today’s Bible study when I heard about it, and it did not disappoint. It’s been a privilege, getting to read and review it for you guys! I mean, the story of Legion in the Bible is a unique story, and taking the time to dive deep has been an incredibly eye-opening experience.
Please note that this post contains affiliate links for your convenience. If you make a purchase through one of the links, I may make a small commission. I only recommend books and resources that I’ve enjoyed personally, or believe that you would like. You can read my full disclosure here. You will also find information on Scripture translations there.
I did receive a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit, and choose to review it here. All thoughts are my own.
Who is Legion in the Bible?
Legion was a club of demons who’d possessed a man on the far side of the Sea of Galilee. They were settled in, and having their own brand of fun with him.
After a day of preaching and healing, Jesus suddenly, around evening, with no explanation, decides to cross the sea. He calms a storm, which shocks the disciples, then as he touches shore, the demon possessed man runs to him, and Jesus enters into a ‘debate’ with the demons.
It seems weird, but if you think about it, he was teaching the disciples a lot as he had the discussion. Lessons about
- His power even in extreme situations
- His mercy and grace
- That one soul matters. More than 2,000 pigs.
- And even long range planning…
Legion Meaning
Did you know a legion in the Roman world was around 6,000? Demons are known liars, so there probably weren’t actually 6k, but still, there were a lot of them. And they were pretty strong, able to give the man excess strength to break chains, and terrorize people.
I am Legion for We Are Many
Legion was pretty bold, considering they were standing before the incarnate God Most High. “I Am Legion, for we are many.” And they knew who they were talking to. They ran up to him at night, on a dark shore, as he stepped off the boat. It’s not like there was tv news to be able to recognize famous people. They knew, on a spiritual level, that Jesus was God, and they didn’t want to be ‘robbed’ of a moment of their allowed time to roam the earth.
Jesus and Legion in the Bible
And Jesus calmly tells them to get out. And even grants their request to go into the pigs. Lots of wondering on this, Jesus and Legion, and allowing them to choose where they went. And why they’d want to go into the pigs. But whatever the reason, I love the idea that the pigs were not willing hosts, and that’s why they drowned themselves, rather than allow the demons a home. (culled from book 3 of this fantastic series)
After casting out the demons, the townspeople are scared, and beg him to leave, instead of seeing the opportunity for many other healings and freedoms. This is one really sad moment. But he sends the man home to tell of God’s mercy. The man is so excited he spreads the word far and wide, which prepares the way for Jesus’ visit at a later date. I love that so much, and would have missed it completely without this study!!!
About the Study the Story of Legion in the Bible
Book: Legion
Author: Shadia Hrichi
Genre: Bible Study
Release Date: Oct 8, 2019
How far will Jesus go to rescue one lost soul?
Tormented, chained, and living in a graveyard, the man known only by the name of the demons that tormented him had no one to help him–no one to intercede for him. No one but Jesus. Climb into the boat with Jesus as He heads into enemy territory. Witness Jesus’s power and passion as He battles violent storms and armies of demons in order to rescue . . . one . . . lost . . . soul.
Through this six-week, action-packed Bible study, you will experience God’s relentless love as you celebrate the impassioned Savior Who moved heaven and earth to rescue you.
Click here for your copy!
God to the Rescue: Facing Legion for One Lost Soul
God to the Rescue: Legion is an in-depth 6 week Bible study that packs quite a punch! You get a true grasp of the context, and see the beauty of God's Rescue Plan in Action.
Legion: God Rescues Even When We’re Helpless
Legion is an in-depth study that packs a punch. I really appreciate the way this author gives the full context in what she writes. Whether the main passage is a few verses or a few chapters, we get a pretty good idea of exactly how it fits into both the book it’s in and the tapestry of the Gospel.
As intricately planned as each of the God rescues are, the story of Legion in the Bible might not really seem to make sense. Jesus crossed the lake, calmed a storm, cast out some demons, then went back to Israel. But He did all that for ONE MAN. God to The Rescue! And there are many layers to this story.
And He surrounds that story with many other instances where God rescues an individual. From their sin. From their ailments. From obscurity.
This Bible Study can be intense and doesn’t shy away from hard topics. But it’s definitely filled with words of faith and hope!
“For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son.”
—Colossians 1:13 NASB
Now, 2 years later, I’m retaking this study of Legion in the Bible with my lifegroup. It’s been amazing, doing the study in a group setting, because everyone’s contributions are fascinating. From questions to research done independently, I’m learning even more this time around.
There are close to a dozen of us, and we rarely get through more than 2 days of homework in our gathering, just discussing a few things on each page. So this 6 week study is taking around 15 weeks, and we’re having a ball. My group is made up of men and women, ages 30s – 70s, and both new and more mature Christians.
God to the Rescue
From the very beginning, it’s been God to the Rescue.
God’s rescue plan was in place before the beginning of time. Before Eve was tempted. I can’t wrap my mind around that, but I’m sure grateful.
Ultimately, God’s rescue plan of dying and rising again is amazing. But on an individual level? God to the Rescue has a whole new meaning to me. The study this month on Legion (and its surrounding context) has been intense and eye-opening.
After seeing God to the rescue with Legion in the Bible, I’m encouraged all over again to choose faith over fear.
- I can Dwell in the Shelter of the Most High.
- Seek Healing through Forgiveness.
- Join the Bathsheba Battle.
- And Fear God, Not Man.
Stories of Rescue in the Bible
There are many great stories of rescue in the Bible, aren’t there? From Adam and Eve being rescued from Permanent Punishment and separation from God by being cast out of the garden before they could eat from the tree of life, to Noah and the Ark to Jesus taking on our punishment, and rising from the dead to prove his authority to do so, This is one of the best parts of the Gospel-The GOOD NEWS.
The Exodus, the book of Judges, The prophets who said “you’re going to be punished. But Here’s the deal. God’s going to rescue you.” Again and again, God has proved his faithfulness, because God rescues people. And we don’t have to be good enough. Because “while we were yet sinners, Christ Died for us!!!”
Where Do You Need to See “God to the Rescue” in Your Life?
Do you need some encouragement that God’s Rescue Plan includes detailed notes and plans for you? Because God Rescues us each individually. He could be on the way to rescue Jane, but if you reach out and touch His hem, He’ll stop and acknowledge your need, and your value! That’s the incredible grace and goodness of our God!
I hope you’ll take the time to read this particular study of Legion in the Bible. It’s life changing!
Until Next Time, Love God, Love Books, Shine The Light!!
8 Comments on “God to the Rescue: Facing Legion for One Lost Soul”
Climbing into the boat with Jesus as He heads into enemy territory is such a good visual of how we are really just joining Him in all our battles. I have to maintain this perspective at all times (which I fail to do alot) or I shrink back too easily. God already has a plan to redeem mankind and He is always on the move. Gonna hop in His boat the next opportunity that raises itself up. Thank you Aryn!
I know! Its hard, but when we picture it this way, riding along with Him, tagging along when it’s God to the Rescue, it helps!
Good Morning! Thank you for the book description.These tours are great and we have found some terrific books so thanks so much.
You’re most welcome. I enjoy participating in the tours and sharing with everyone! And Seeing God’s Rescue Plan through this study of Legion was amazing!
Every time I turn around lately, God is showing me that if I just put my trust in Him, he will rescue me. I think I need to read this! I had to laugh at your Bob the Builder comment. My youngest has not gotten into him yet but it’s just a matter of time lol
It’s pretty awesome how God Whispers to us across multiple sources until we listen. And it will always be God to the Rescue, because that’s who he is.
And yes, I will totally play Bob the Builder on repeat to get my kids to sit still long enough for the little one to give up and fall asleep, so I find myself humming their songs pretty often. ?
Thank you, Aryn, for your kind review of my new Bible study of Gods rescuing love (Legion). Blessings!
You’re most welcome! It was a great experience!