How to Find Joy: 2 Tools for Finding Joy In The Lord

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Yellow Background, Finding Joy: It's a Choice, It's a Lifestyle

My “Word of the Year” for 2019 was Joy. I spent most of the year working on learning again how to find joy in life. Simple necessities: Finding Joy in the Lord. Finding Joy in the little things. Not getting bogged down by life. I made a youtube playlist, found Bible verses, and made a plan. But, well, life gets going and sometimes you just hang on. I was not good at following through.

But I have learned some things in the course of the year, and I’m happy to say, I do have more consistent joy now than I did at the beginning of the year. Understanding how God’s Grace and favor work has been life-changing!

I was very excited about the opportunity to review Finding Joy through Celebrate Lit’s latest Christian book publicity tour. There was a lot in the book description that I could relate to. I felt it would make an excellent last book to review for 2019.

Please note that this post contains affiliate links for your convenience. If you make a purchase through one of the links, I may make a small commission. I only recommend books and resources that I’ve enjoyed personally, or believe that you would like. You can read my full disclosure here. You will also find information on Scripture translations there.

How to Find Joy in Life

Wondering how to find joy? If you really want to find your joy, you have to start with a solid understanding of what joy is. and what it’s not.

Here are a few things to keep in mind on the journey to Joy, because finding joy in life doesn’t have to be complicated. you can find joy in life without a lot of complicated activity.

How to Find Joy: Know What Joy is Not

Let’s clarify. Because knowing what joy is not will help with recognizing the real deal. Joy is NOT happiness or gladness. It doesn’t mean you’re necessarily ‘enjoying’ what is happening.

How to Find Joy: Know What Joy IS

Joy is much deeper than that. Here are some expert answers to ‘How do you define joy as a Christian?” and I believe they’ve nailed it! I recommend you read that article, but basically, If you’re a Christian, finding joy in the Lord is having a confident closeness with The Lord, provided by The Holy Spirit. There’s really no other way of how to find joy in life than finding joy in the Lord.

Finding Joy in The Lord

Finding Joy in The Lord is obviously the best method. After all, Not only has he saved us and promised us a future eternity, but he’s also given us his very own Spirit to guide and help us! Now that’s reason to rejoice!

So, I’ve heard a Scripture a day keeps the… no, that’s not how it goes. Sorry!

I was thinking of what grown-up 21st century Pollyanna might use. So I put something together for you. Here are a few links for you, from Blue Letter Bible, that should help you remember how to find Joy, especially finding joy in the Lord our God!

I hope this makes Finding Joy in the Lord one step easier for you!

If You’d Like to Find Joy in Life, You Might Also Want to Read About:

Finding Joy in the Little Things

My two sons are full of energy, and noise, and well, sometimes I just want a break. But when I put away my devices and my agenda, and my to-do list, and just spend time with them, we have so much fun!

Joy is easy then. After I do an emotional baggage check and choose joy.

Stopping to look at the sunrise or sunset, and appreciating the God who made it all, is one of the best keys I can give you. If you want to know how to find Joy, Rest in Him, and don’t try to compete with whatever “the Joneses” are doing. Whether that’s another mother, blogger, church-goer, etc! Find joy in life, by living life, and being present with your loved ones. Find your joy by finding joy in the little things, and love life again, not the onscreen stuff!

How to Find Joy 101: Finding Joy in the Lord makes finding joy in the little things 10x easier!

How to Find Joy: With a Joyful Living Toolbox

Gratitude is one of the most helpful steps to that confident closeness to The Lord that we were talking about, and this Joyful Living Toolbox is bursting at the seams with useful tools for strengthening your gratitude muscles!

If you want to know how to find joy in life, this is a fully loaded toolbox!

The Joyful Living Toolbox is geared toward making gratitude, faith, prayer, and kindness to others easier, saving you time by putting all the tools that you need in one handy place, at your fingertips. 

The 70 pages include:

? 7 days of Gratitude Journaling Pages (1 for each day of the week)

? 100+ Gratitude Prompts (Ideas to help you avoid repetition in your journal)

? 2 Blessings pages, for when you need reminders of your favorite blessings

? 30 Printable Scripture cards, plus a blank page for your favorites

? 5 Scripture coloring pages

? The ACTS method of prayer with complete details

? 5 Prayer Journal pages

? 24 Biblically based affirmation cards

? 150+ Random Acts of Kindness 

? 2 special Random Acts of Kindness pages with resource websites

? Compliment cards for your Random Acts of Kindness 

? Plus…4 Beautiful “Joyful” 8″ X 10″ printable wall art prints

If you are looking for tools to help you with how to find joy in life, try this Joyful Living Toolbox today!

How to Find Joy in A Book: Finding Joy Book: Fiction

Book:  Finding Joy

Author: J.C. Lafler

Genre: Christian Fiction, Generational Fiction

Release Date: November, 2019

Finding Joy By JC Lafler

“No matter what complications life throws your way, search until you find something to be joyful for.”

Elisabeth Davis has lived by these words for most of her eighty years. Through good times and bad, this mindset has served her well, and she hopes and prays that her grandchildren will carry this sentiment forward when she is gone.

But Max has heard his grandmother say this so many times, he is almost oblivious. And while he understands her point, putting it into action is not always easy.

When his girlfriend demands he make a choice between her and his best friend—in the same week his grandmother has a stroke!—Max struggles to find joy anywhere. He is forced to reexamine his life, his relationships, and even his faith in this heartwarming story of coming of age and leaving a lasting legacy.

Click here to get your copy.

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Finding Joy: Christian Fiction, Fun and Family. 2 Hours, 5 stars, Finding Joy in the Lord
Fiction, Fun, finding joy in the Lord How to find Joy. (Finding Joy Book cover)
How to find Joy in Life: Tools for finding Joy in the Lord. 

Smiley face painted on a road for a background

How To Find Joy in a Good Book: My Review

Okay. Finding Joy is both fun and challenging. I liked the male main character. He was real, honest, and adorably clueless about certain things. But what really won me over was his relationship with his Grandmother.

Together they had been through so much. Grandma Elizabeth had learned the key, finding joy in Jesus, and finding joy in the little things that happen. She was able to keep herself focused on the main thing through some major heartbreak.

Watching Max grow in character and faith, and seeing him make deliberate choices, finding joy in the Lord each day, made me smile, and challenged me to do the same.

This book is inspiring, and filled with hope in the midst of trials. I would recommend it to anyone who wants a light read, willing to accept a personal challenge, and not afraid of a few tears!

I did receive a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit, and choose to review it here. All thoughts are my own.

Finding Joy Book: Nonfiction

I stumbled across a few “Defiant Joy” Bible studies, and I think they are pretty awesome, so I had to share here:

I got a sample of Defiant Joy by Candace Payne through one of those online Bible study groups. She really challenges you, and does so with grace and a good sense of humor. The book’s tagline is pretty inspiring:

Joy is closer than you think because God is better than you may believe!

Defiant Joy, Candace Payne

Unwavering: Living a Life of Defiant Joy by Staci Eldrige is one I haven’t read yet, but since I have read other books she’s written, I feel confident this one is also very helpful!

Take hold of hope, beauty, and life in a hurting world….

Don’t despair! God means for us to have JOY–a joy from Him that is defiant in the face of this broken world.

Unwavering: Living with Defiant Joy by Stasi Eldrige

Another book I found was Defiant Joy by Carol McLeod. This one appears to challenge our emotions and help with how to find joy on a deeper level.

I Dare You to Choose Joy.

This book is about a joy that is defiant … a joy that will literally defy your life’s circumstances!

Defiant Joy, by Carol McLeod

Do You Have a Better Idea on How to Find Joy Yet?

I hope this book will inspire you as much as it did me! Finding Joy in the Lord is a beautiful thing, and something we can all do. It is a choice we make each moment.

I hope this book and these resources will help you as you set out on your own quest, and that you know how to find joy in life, today and every day!

Until Next Time, Love God, Love Books, Shine The Light!!

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